Radwin Focused Beam Technology (FBT) Wireless Internet

Radwin FBT does not require physical wires (copper or fiber) to your home. And does not require you to have local phone service.

There is a small antenna panel (7’ X 7’ X 1.5’) that attaches to your home or a pole in your yard. An ethernet cable then runs from the antenna into your home and is connected to , what we call, a powerbrick that is A/C powered from your home. Your router then plugs into the powerbrick.

Radwin FBT also requires a ‘base station’ that is attached to one of our communication towers and is connected to the internet via redundant fiber optic network. The base station communicates with the antenna on your house and provides internet access.

The unique feature of Radwin FBT is that it creates a private ‘microwave’ path to your home that no one else has access to. As a result, Radwin FBT offers much higher bandwidths than other wireless technologies.

But like all wireless technologies it only goes so far and requires line of sight to our communications tower. As a result, we offer a free site survey to determine if Radwin FBT will work at your location.

Current Radwin FBT Wireless Internet Service Area

Locations within the blue circle on the map below are within range of our Radwin FBT Wireless Internet Service. Please note, a site survey will need to be conducted to ensure we can provide internet to your location. Please contact our office or complete our online site survey request form.

Problems displaying the map below? Contact our office for assistance.

Radwin FBT Wireless Internet Packages

  • Always Unlimited Usage
  • Local Phone Service (LPS) NOT Required

Bandwith* (up to)

DownstreamUpstreamMonthly Charge
10 Meg1 Meg$54.95
25 Meg5 Meg$64.95
30 Meg5 Meg$68.95
40 Meg5 Meg$73.95

* Bandwidth dependent on signal strength between home and nearest communications tower.

Please call EBTC at 319-935-3011 for FREE site survey.

Radwin FBT – Equipment and Installation

Radwin FTB is a proprietary technology developed by Radwin and requires Radwin equipment at your home. The first piece of equipment is a small flat antenna panel (7”x 7” x 1.5”) that attaches to your home or a pole in your yard. An ethernet cable then runs from the antenna into your home and is connected to, what we call a ‘powerbrick’ which is A/C powered from your home. Your router then plugs into the ‘powerbrick.’ But like all wireless technologies it only goes so far and requires line of site to our communications towers. As a result we offer a free site survey to determine if Radwin FBT will work at your location.

Radwin FBT Equipment:

  • Purchase*: $249.95
  • Rent: $8.50/mo.


  • $49.00 Standard Installation**

Home Router:

  • Home routers are the customers responsibility.

*Includes 1 yr. warranty. Please note that lighting damage is not covered.
**Standard installation includes all material and labor required to attach the antenna to the home. Additional time and material charges will apply if the antenna is attached to another structure which requires an aerial or buried drop.

Prices listed above do not include taxes, surcharges and other fees. Contact our office for details.

Radwin Internet

East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative | 319-935-3011 or 866-327-2748 | P.O. Box 100, 214 Third Street North, Winthrop, IA 50682-0100 | help@eastbuchanan.com

East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative
319-935-3011 or 866-327-2748
P.O. Box 100, 214 Third Street North, Winthrop, IA 50682-0100

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