About Us
Since 1963 we have been servicing our members under the East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative. Prior to that, our company saw many changes that evolved into a local cooperative serving a large portion of Buchanan County and a small portion of Fayette County and Linn County.
In all the years we have been in business, there have been many changes to the Communications Industry. Our services now include Fiber Fast Internet (Fiber Optics) and Wireless Internet, as well as voice telecommunications.
Latest News
Daniel Cocking appointed as Board member.
We are saddened by the sudden passing of Greg Fawcett who had served on the EBTC Board since 1978, and more recently as Board Secretary. We extend our deepest sympathies to Connie and her family.
As the bylaws specify, the EBTC Board of Directors had to appoint a member to complete Greg’s board term that expires in December 2026. We are pleased to announce that Daniel Cocking was appointed and has accepted the responsibility of completing the term. We welcome Daniel to the EBTC Board of Directors.
East Buchanan is now on Facebook.
Please take a moment to join us on Facebook. Many times this may be the quickest way to receive notices of upcoming maintenance windows, infrequent outages, or other important service information.
1000 Mbps (1 Gig) Internet now available throughout EBTC’s entire service area – both town and rural areas!
EBTC has installed equipment and deployed fiber serving the cities of Winthrop and Quasqueton in 2023 that provides up to 1000 Mbps bandwidth over our fiber optic lines making our entire cooperative area 100% served by fiber optics.
These fiber deployments were incredibly complex and expensive projects. Hats off to all of our employees!
Our Board of Directors understand the extreme importance of high-speed fiber to our cooperative members to aid in their productivity in working from home, students studying from home, and anyone with physical and mental health issues to be able to meet “virtually” with health care professionals. There should no longer be any buffering of any Internet programming caused by EBTC infrastructure. If you do experience buffering, it could be due to old antiquated equipment in your home or more frequently it’s an issue at the source of the video or data. Call us today at 319-935-3011 for more information.
Company History
The Real Early Years
The earliest means of communication was the telegraph line from Dubuque to Jesup, which ran through Winthrop. It was completed in November of 1863. At that time, the former station agent was replaced by Frank Ward, because he could “run the paper through the telegraph machine and read the dots.”
In November of 1886, telephone wires were being put up on poles and a new office was set-up in Independence.
In 1905, there was hardly a home or town in Eastern Buchanan county without phone service. The local office was located in H.C. Unbehaun store, with Bell Telephone handling long distance out of the J.B. Ryan pharmacy.
In 1904, with telephones being the most efficient method of transmitting gossip, the central telephone exchange had to put this plea in the paper:
“In cases of sickness it is desired that patrons shall not call for the numbers where the sick are…This request and rule are made to relieve the afflicted of hearing the phone ring every minute…How would you like it if you were sick and each one of your friends, two hundred or more, would call up every morning and say: “Hello, my central’s slow! How’s Bill? No better! Too bad! Think he’s not better? Hope he’ll be better tomorrow. If you want any help let me know. Tell Bill I asked about him. What doctor you got? Goodbye”
A new switchboard was installed in 1906: “One can say hello over it without a megaphone. It is a fine affair with 150 drops and is a modern machine in every particular.”
In May 1910, the office was moved to a new building, which is the present location.
The first telephone directory was issued in 1908. Names were listed alphabetically with a number opposite the name (for example, 34A).
At this time, the telephone office was also being used as a weather station. “If you want to know what the weather is going to be, watch the flags hung out of the south window every day at the telephone central office. The three cornered flag, red, means warmer and the same shape in black, cooler…So far the forecasts have been quite reliable and accurate as one could expect on so unreliable a subject as the weather.”
The 30s Through the 80s
In 1937, the Mutual Telephone Exchange (24 county lines) and Winthrop Telephone Exchange decided to incorporate and become the Winthrop Cooperative Telephone Exchange. Memberships were $1.00. Rural fees: $12.00 per year. Town, $2.00 per month, extensions $.50 and business phones: $3.00 per month. The manager’s salary was $1,050.00. In 1963, the manager got a raise so he could pay the help $1.00 per hour.
In the early sixties, negotiations began to change to a dial system. Other towns were contacted, and eventually Quasqueton, Stanley and Aurora joined, and East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative was organized. Buried dial service began in 1967.
Equal access arrived in August 1989, due to the association with Iowa Network Services, of which East Buchanan is an original stock holder. This allowed customers to choose different long distance carriers for their calls.
The History of Telephone in Stanley
The first switchboard went into service in 1906 and was located at the former M.M. Elder Hardware and Implement Shop, east of the gasoline engine factory on the south side of Main Street. 11 year-old Clyde Richards was the first telephone operator.
The switchboard moved seven times before finally being set-up in the Stanley Hotel in 1919.
The switchboard and the nine telephones were owned by the Iowa Telephone Company, who was planning to discontinue service in Stanley in 1919. A few interested persons secured the names of 74 families, so that they could create a local exchange. A meeting was held, and a committee appointed to buy the old switchboard and the nine telephones. Thus, the Stanley Mutual Telephone Exchange was born. They rented five rooms (to house the enormous equipment) in the E.M. Stimson Stanley Hotel as a temporary home.
The first officers and directors were:
D.M. Schwartz—President
John Maller—Vice President
R.R. Shennan—Secretary/Treasurer
J. Guy Swartzell—Manager
Harold Brownell, George Jellings and Roy Zabriskic were Directors
In 1920, the toll line between Stanley and Aurora was built, and a new switchboard was purchased, which was used until 1960. In 1927, they bought the E.M. Stimson Stanley Hotel for $766, and incorporated. In August of 1967, they became a part of the East Buchanan Telephone Company and went to the dial system. Also at this point in time, Extended Area Service was implemented to allow Aurora-Stanley customers to place local calls to Oelwein, albeit for an additional 25 cents per month extra on their local phone bill. This EAS surcharge remains in place today.
The 90s
Digital Broadcast Satellite / DirecTV
Few would have guessed that an entertainment revolution was started in 1994 when our first DBS system was installed at Barb Rasmussen’s home in Quasqueton. At its peak, we had over 1,300 DBS customers throughout Buchanan County and the once exclusive hardware is now sold at Wal-Mart and Radio Shack.
Dial-up Internet Service
As our first customer back in December of 1996, I’m sure John Reidy would agree that the Internet has had a profound effect on his life. EBTC was pleased to assist Roger Wandschneider and Ken Cappel with the installation of a dedicated 56K circuit at East Buchanan High School in November of 1997. EBTC was also pleased to assist Mark McCright in upgrading the high school’s facility to a T-1 in March of 2000.
Wireless Phone Service
EBTC was the first Independent Telephone Company to construct a tower and offer digital cellular phone service in association with Iowa Wireless. Although growth has been phenomenal, our records indicate that the first customer was Nicole Dopp on May 28, 1999. Since that time coverage has expanded to Dubuque in the east, Fayette, Clayton and Winnisheik Counties to the north and large numbers of independently owned towers to the south. During 2001, our focus will be on connecting customers to the new cable and using the network’s full potential.
EB Long Distance
In response to the confusing plans offered by other long distance carriers, Bill Raus and Lynn Postel were the first customers to sign up for EBTC’s $.10 and $.14 long distance plans during July of 1999.
Telephone Updates
In 1997 we noted that a majority of our copper cable was 25 – 30 years old and that we were running out of capacity for new lines in a number of areas. So we began the tedious process of rebuilding and upgrading our network in the fall of 1998. It is our challenge to connect existing people to the new cable and fully use the network’s potential.
Over the last 10 years, we’ve made many improvements, and added many additional services to benefit you. In fact, we’ve added Annual Customer Appreciation Days, printed a comprehensive Customer Handbook to assist you in choosing services, extended our office hours, and added automatic bill payment service. We also take Visa and Mastercard payments. In addition, we’ve added two new telephone features to help you manage your busy life. Telemarketer Call Screening helps you avoid annoying calls from telemarketers, and our Toll Limitation Services, which we offer free to all customers, allow you to budget your long distance calls each month easily.
A Building Committee was appointed on March 2, 2000 to oversee the construction of a 3,900 sq. ft office addition. Members of the Building Committee included Harold Schneider, Greg Fawcett, Ernie Kress and Lee Bossom. Cory Kress was also hired to draft the floor plan and function as construction liaison.
Construction was started in July of 2000 and completed in December of 2000. The idea was to create a place where our customers could come to experience technology, to become more educated about the services available to you, and to learn, first hand, which services can best benefit you in your every day life. We hope you enjoy and benefit from our technology center, and to learning how your history has helped to shape how your communicate today.
2000 – Present
The internet itself hasn’t changed as much as the profusion of applications found on the Internet and used by Internet customers. And the primary application that impacted telephony was digital entertainment and streaming video. Both applications require large amounts of bandwidth which put us between a rock and a hard spot.
Video applications need the bandwidth provided by fiber optic cable – but regulatory changes during this same period had dried up traditional funding sources. You might say we were experiencing a telecom “financial” drought.
These regulatory changes also resulted in significant uncertainty. Companies were hesitant to invest large sums of money in long term assets when regulations were changing frequently.
So, we had a couple of hard years adjusting to the demand for unlimited bandwidth and significant regulatory uncertainty.
Fortunately, the regulatory environment changed in 2016 when the FCC introduced ACAM (Alternate Connect America Model). This is a 10-year program which provided funding for fiber projects in approximately half of our rural areas (mostly north of old Hwy. 20).
EBTC also became involved with digital entertainment by purchasing digital video equipment in partnership with Shellsburg and Palo Telephone companies. Cable TV service had never been very profitable – often operating at a loss. And digital entertainment was no different – mostly because regulators began to allow local off-air stations to charge a monthly access fee. In 2017 we decommissioned our Cable TV network when Independence Telecom no longer provided analog signal to us. And dissolved our partnership with Shellsburg and Palo in 2018 when the digital video equipment we had jointly purchased needed to be replaced.
Thereafter, we offered digital video entertainment in association with Skitter TV. A profit-sharing arrangement where Skitter provides all the electronics and programming. EBTC provides customer billing and maintenance. With the popularity of over the top video (Netflix, Sling TV, DirecTV, etc.) we did not want to be heavily invested in expensive equipment. And while Skitter TV provided a better experience, it was decided to discontinue Skitter TV on December 31, 2023 for our last 50 remaining “CATV” customers. Going forward, all customers will need to use streaming or satellite services for their video consumption.
Our experience with cellular service and our partner, iWireless, was very interesting. We started off with a bang and were pretty successful. We even formed Community Digital Wireless with four other local telephone companies to provide service in Fayette County. But the cellular industry became increasingly competitive and dominated by the very large national carriers. Needless to say, our profit margins decreased significantly. In 2018 we recorded a gain on the sale of some cellular assets to iWireless while keeping the towers, and in early 2024 EBTC exited the partnership with Community Digital Wireless.
As of 2018 we find ourselves profitably leasing tower space and providing transport to a couple national carriers. In retrospect this is a very good fit for EBTC in terms of resources and return on investment. However, in 2023 EBTC decided to sell the towers and use the revenue to deploy fiber optics in the towns of Winthrop and Quasqueton.
The Covid Years and Fiber Optics
Prior to the Covid Pandemic beginning in March of 2020, EBTC had deployed fiber optic cable in the rural Aurora and Stanley service areas. However when Covid hit and customers began working from home when previously they’d traveled to work, and as students in the East Buchanan School District were attending classes remotely via the Internet, the EBTC Board realized that we had to as quickly as possible deploy fiber optic cable throughout the remaining rural areas. Town customers could get adequate Internet speeds, but rural customers were lacking the speed needed for tele-work, studying from home for school students, and tele-health services. EBTC was able to apply for and receive a $2.3M grant from the State of Iowa, and still needed a $2.4M loan to complete the rural fiber projects over a 2-year period.
At the same time as Covid, since more customers were working from home, the amount of bandwidth (space on the Internet “pipe” from EBTC service areas to connect them to the world) doubled – and currently has tripled in 2024 as compared to the pre-Covid years. EBTC had previously joined 10 other local telecommunications companies and formed a fiber “ring” connecting all the communities which formed a sort of “insurance” as if there was a fiber cut at any one point on the ring, the data and voice service would automatically re-route in the other direction, thereby precluding an outage affecting any one of the 11 companies and the towns that they serve. Unfortunately, the longest span on the fiber ring is held by EBTC, and it was the oldest span of fiber optics that we owned. Because of this, the fiber specifications could not handle the increased amount of data demand created by the Covid pandemic. So another fiber project was needed.
In the Fall of 2022, EBTC began to replace that long span of old fiber than ran past the town of Walker Iowa. But instead of replacing it exactly where it laid, EBTC placed the new route to run right through the town of Walker to assist those residents and businesses directly adjacent to the new route in Walker – the only town in Linn County without any fiber optics directly to homes and businesses. We also placed a new Central Office in Walker which is an electronic distribution office for fiber optics. EBTC did receive a grant for a small portion of this project, but the remainder was self-funded and EBTC began to serve residents and businesses in Walker along the new fiber route. And in the Fall of 2024, EBTC is deploying fiber to the remainder of the town of Walker. Meanwhile, due to available state grants, some rural areas around Walker and Highway 150 to the northwest of Walker have had fiber optic cable deployed and EBTC 1Gb speed Internet speed is available wherever EBTC fiber optics are found.
Also in the summer and fall of 2024, EBTC has deployed fiber east of Winthrop and Quasqueton to the Delaware County line to serve those locations that are included in the East Buchanan School District to better serve students. Three state grants were utilized to serve these remote locations.
2024 Board of Directors and Cooperative Bylaws
The EBTC service area is divided into 3 districts, and each district elects 3 members to serve on the EBTC Board of Directors. Each year at our annual cooperative membership meeting held on the first Monday in December, Board elections are held for one member from each district to run for re-election; or if not running for re-election, a new board member from that district is elected. Note that the Board nomination period opens on August 15th of each year. Below are the current Board members as of September 2024 and the districts that they represent.
- Terry Peterson, President (Winthrop)
- Joe Bahe, Vice President (Aurora-Stanley)
- Eldon Baragary, Secretary (Quasqueton)
- Nancy Mosher (Aurora-Stanley)
- Colin Koch (Aurora-Stanley)
- Daniel Cocking (Winthrop)
- Rose Hansen, Treasurer (Winthrop)
- Kenny Gericke (Quasqueton )
- Bill Crow (Quasqueton)
To read our Cooperative Bylaws, click here.
- Mike Becker, General Manager
- Matt Leisinger, Plant Manager
- Annette Kress, Office Manager
- Sara Connolly, Communications Consultant
- Jordan Hettinger, Combination Technician
- Stanley Steele, Combination Technician
- Drew Fangman, Combination Technician
- Hunter Canfield, Combination Technician/Intern
As a cooperative, every cent you pay to East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative during the year, be it for telephone, long distance, or Internet, goes in into a formula which is allocated back to you in the form of dividends. As a cooperative, EBTC is a non-profit and any income over and above the costs of doing business is allocated back to our members.
Take this into consideration: If you purchased $100 worth of services throughout the year, with allocation calculations you may have up to 50% or more allocated to your account. This means that if and when the Cooperative Board of Directors decide to distribute the allocations, you will get a patronage check based on the formula. Can you imagine getting a 50% or more discount on the purchase of a new car or tractor? How many other companies can offer you that kind of savings nearly every year? Does your cellphone company do that?
With your cooperative, the money you pay into the cooperative is retained for operating expenses while also allowing your cooperative to use this revenue for expensive upgrades to keep your services on the forefront of technology. When the Board believes patronage distributions are financially feasible, patronage checks – based on your past payments to EBTC – are then sent to cooperative members.
In the past many years, East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative paid back millions of dollars to its customer members in the form of patronage dividends. We have now entered a new phase whereby instead of paying dividends, disbursements allocated to your account will be postponed and your cooperative dollars will be combined with a multi-million dollar loan to deploy fiber optic services to areas where upgrades are urgently needed. Our Board members have answered the call because of the COVID pandemic to allow our members the faster speeds needed to work from home, study online, and provide tele-health services.
Just remember that every dollar you pay to EBTC is used to upgrade and continue existing services, and any cooperative profits are distributed back to members whenever possible. This means that for every dollar you spent with East Buchanan, you’ll get a large portion of it back! For example if the annual dividend allocation was 50%, it means you are really paying half price for your Internet service or phone service after dividend distributions are paid.
So why buy FULL-PRICED inferior wireless Internet or phone service from a competing company when you can essentially receive major discounts on your services provided by East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative? The answer is clear – EBTC is your best value!
East Buchanan Telephone would like your feedback. Please let us know how we are doing. This would include: service we are providing, customer service, installs, billing options and trouble shooting issues. If you could please e-mail us at help@eastbuchanan.com.
Please see below past testimonials we have received.
4/16/24 JG wrote: Repair: They had it fixed in about 10 minutes. They offered to pull down the old wireless receiver off my parent’s house. They installed a new router in the house and made sure all my parents devices reconnected. They were courteous, friendly and worked quickly. No complaints. My mom and dad were ecstatic to have their help!!
2/14/24 TT wrote: Everything seems to be working great!! The process did seem to go smoothly and as expected. The technicians put the router in a better spot for our home as it was far away from where we typically use our internet so that was so very helpful!! I don’t believe there could have been anything done better. It was all done so smoothly and fast. They were great!!
10/23/23 AL wrote: Installation went smooth and everything seems to be working fine. The technicians were on time and very pleasant to work with.
8/15/23 WT wrote: The install team was outstanding. Seriously, one of the best that I have worked with in my 74 years. On time, courteous, knowledgeable.
6/9/23 CH wrote: They came to install fiber optics today! The two gentlemen that showed up were so courteous and professional! They even talked to my dog and cats and you could tell they loved their job and are very passionate about what they do! They took the time to answer all my questions and explain everything to me and made it a quick and convenient switch! Top notch customer service from the lady who handles the phones to the guys that came and installed. You guys are awesome!
10/31/2023 ND wrote: Thankful for EBTC!!! I’m serious when I say your company, your staff, your service guys, and fiber optic workers were and are so great to work with. This whole process of switching from Windstream/Kinetic to EBTC has been a great experience. Sara in the office was a total joy to work with. She is so patient and kind and explains things in a way that is so understandable. Sara put up with my procrastination too!!! LOL 🙂 Your company was amazing to get all three of our buildings on one phone line and one internet. I am beyond blessed and grateful. I can’t thank you enough. I am so thankful when people are genuinely kind, polite, and just good people. You all make the world a better place and sure make a difference in people’s lives. I know you may say it’s just telephone and internet service…..but it’s not just that to us. It’s a part of our work, our homes, our prosperity, our dreams.
8/9/2023 AG wrote: Last night we lost our internet connection because of the fiber work being done by WUT. Matt from EBTC showed up after hours promptly after I called the emergency number and fixed our problem immediately. I was beyond impressed by his speed to fix this problem and his professionalism. Way to go guys! He is a great member of your team and I hope he is recognized for his hard work!
6/13/2022 J & D F wrote: EB Phone Coop, A sincere thank you for the prompt service on removing our old box from our house. Also for Dave’s quick service on getting our WiFi hooked up! All done before 24 hrs when I made the call! Love living in our rural community. Thanks again.
2/22/2022 CB wrote: Small town service and consistent prices.
2/22/2022 AH wrote: We are very lucky to have a Coop that knows it’s customers by name and also great service to our area! Thank you!
2/22/2022 LH wrote: 1-they brought me fiber internet in the middle of nowhere, and 2-the fact that they’re a co-op that is focused on bettering their community.
2/22/2022 DR wrote: 2 things I like about East Buchanan Telephone are the great internet making it easy for me to work from home and stream our favorite shows and movies, and the support to the community!!!
12/29/21 Rosemary wrote: During our years here in Winthrop we’ve had wonderful service from everyone there in the office and anyone sent to service a problem. God bless each of you.
12/27/21 T and K wrote:
Hello, My wife and I have moved to a different town and will no longer need our internet and phone service. Thank you very much for all of the years of fantastic service.
CD wrote: Knowing how much EBTC has done in its service area, compared to what we’ve seen through Windstream, really makes us appreciate the value of a locally owned telecommunications cooperative versus a remote corporation.
MF wrote :Been a member for 30 years great service.
CC wrote: My coworkers in Cedar Rapids who work online every day are jealous of the excellent customer service and amazing response time that I get from East Buchanan Telephone. Where they may be down for days or even weeks waiting for Cedar Rapids service providers for maintenance, I usually have someone out within hours!
AB wrote: The employees are amazing and fix any problems right away, and everyone knows you when you go in!
AB wrote: Excellent customer service and great a great telephone coop.
SB wrote: How can you just say one thing!!! There are too many to name and that makes it EXCELLENT.
HJ wrote: I love the quick response if there is an internet issue and the lovely ladies in the office is always looking out for you and what would be the best option of service for you.
RM wrote: The employees are great! They always answer my questions and the response time is quick!
JL wrote: Such amazing response time and customer service!
TZ wrote: Their crew made time to install the cable for internet during the pandemic so my kids could do online school. They were very prompt and have been great to work with. We haven’t had any problems with connection where we live out in the country. The lady that answers the phone is very patient!
AR wrote: I love that you can drop packages off, and that the people working there are local faces that we all know.
TK wrote: Local!! Always try to help fix/repair problems when they arise. Attempting to get Fiber access to ALL households in our small rural communities!!
MD wrote: All around good people who actually problem solve not just do temporary fixes made it so I could work from home and be more involved with my family.
JF wrote: East Buchanan Telephone Coop is on the ball when you have questions about services they offer. I believe small town proud is truly this company. I have never had bad customer service or bad internet service either. I only wish you could go to Strawberry Point!
KR wrote: Customer service is great!! Both office personnel and the rest of the service crew!! Even when equipment is down, they try their best to keep you informed on any problems that may arise!
KM wrote: The guy that comes out to do service calls. He also installed our fiber! Very friendly!!
KS wrote: Love having local telephone and internet service! Great customer service and response time when issues arise.
AH wrote: Friendly, knowledgeable, prompt customer service!!! Thanks EBTS for taking care of our phone and internet needs!!
Privacy Policy
East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative Policy for Personally Identifiable Information
East Buchanan Telephone Cooperative (“EBTC”) has implemented this Privacy and Security Policy governing the personally identifiable consumer information (“PII”) collected by this site. This Privacy and Security Policy does not govern PII collected from any other source or in any other manner. This Privacy and Security Policy is intended to provide you with information as to: (i) the type of information that is collected; (ii) how collected information is used and with whom it is shared; (iii) how we intend to protect the information; and (iv) how you can access, modify, and/or delete such information.
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EBTC collects information about you when you visit and/or purchase products or services from this website. Some of this information is automatically collected, and some is collected when you interact with the site. The type of information that is automatically collected can include date and time of access to the site, the Internet protocol address of the computer that you are using, the domain and host from which you access the Internet, your browser software and operating system, and the specific activities you are engaged in while visiting the site. Information from which you can be personally identified may also be collected by EBTC at the site, including your name, postal address and email address. Of course, you may choose not to provide certain information to EBTC, but if so, you may not be able to participate in certain EBTC activities and transactions.
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EBTC may use “cookies” and/or other technologies or files (collectively, “cookies”) to identify how its visitors make use of this site. This aggregate tracking information is used to help EBTC improve and enhance the website experience for all of its visitors. If you would prefer not to have such cookies stored on your computer, you may modify your browser settings to reject most cookies, or manually remove cookies that have been placed on your computer. However, by so rejecting the cookies, you may be unable to fully access the offerings on this site.
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When you communicate with EBTC electronically, via email or otherwise, you consent to EBTC’s use of the information you have provided, and you further consent to receive electronic communications from EBTC. If you would prefer not to receive such communications, please send an email to help@eastbuchanan.com to advise us of your decision to opt out of email communications.
Security of Information
EBTC maintains reasonable standards of confidentiality and security for this site and the PII collected from this site. The PII you provide is secured using industry standard e-commerce security technology. EBTC also restricts its own employees’ access to PII. However, it is possible that someone may intercept or access communications, transmissions and/or PII. You must also seek to protect against unauthorized access to any passwords and/or accounts that you use in connection with this website, and you should remember to log off of the website once you have completed your activities on the site or if you have decided to step away from your computer. In the event that EBTC determines that there has been a security breach resulting in the unauthorized disclosure of PII to a third party, EBTC will notify consumers whose PII has been so disclosed by posting such information on the site and, if email contact is possible, then we would send an email advising of the status.
The Use and Sharing of Information
The Use of Personal Consumer Information by EBTC
The PII collected by EBTC may be used by EBTC for any lawful purpose, including to communicate with you, respond to your requests, and analyze and improve EBTC’s websites, its business, and/or its service to you. EBTC may use this information to send you email newsletters, promotional offers with respect to goods or services of a particular brand, or other types of communications on behalf of EBTC and/or its affiliates. All email newsletters and promotional offers will provide you with an opportunity to opt out of receiving future issues of such newsletters or to opt out of receiving future promotional offers with respect to such brand. EBTC may also use your PII to send you emails or other communications on behalf of third parties. All such communications will provide you with the opportunity to opt out of receiving future third party offers from EBTC. You may also, at any time, opt-out of receiving any third-party offers from this site by sending an email to help@eastbuchanan.com.
Disclosure by EBTC of Personal Consumer Information to Other Entities
Where permitted by law, EBTC may disclose aggregated statistics about visitors to its site, along with specific information concerning individual visitors of its site that is not PII, provided that no specific individual can be identified by the information disclosed. Subject to applicable laws, EBTC may sometimes seek to share the PII it has collected with a third party, and may also sometimes seek to share such PII with companies that are affiliated with EBTC. EBTC may sometimes use a third party, located either within or outside the United States, to provide certain services on its behalf, such as processing transactions, sending emails, or performing statistical analyses of activity on this website. In the event that EBTC provides certain of your PII to any such entity, EBTC will require that any such entity maintain the confidentiality of (and not further share) the PII that EBTC has provided to it. EBTC may sometimes share PII with sponsors of promotions on the EBTC site, or with sponsors or advertisers of “premium” content. EBTC will always disclose when you are registering for such a promotion or requesting such content. EBTC will not provide PII to any third party for such party’s direct marketing purposes without first providing you with an opportunity to opt-out of such disclosures.
Acquisition of Business
In the event that EBTC is involved in a merger, acquisition, consolidation, restructuring, reorganization, liquidation, sale, or similar transaction relating to any portion of its business and/or assets, you hereby acknowledge and agree that the PII relating to visitors of this site may be included in the assets, and/or transferred pursuant to, such transaction. If that occurs, EBTC will post a notice to such effect on this website.
Legal Process
EBTC may disclose your PII if it has a reasonable good faith basis to believe that it is required to do so by law, compelled by court order or legal process, or is reasonably necessary and/or appropriate to: (i) protect the rights, property and/or safety of EBTC or any other person or entity; or (ii) prevent or take action concerning any alleged: (a) illegal activity or (b) breach of your Terms and Conditions of Service for any EBTC service or the Privacy and Security Policy of this website.
Accessing Your Information
You may update and/or correct the PII collected on the site, or seek to have such information deleted from EBTC’s records, by logging on to register at this site and following the instructions found therein.
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From time to time, the EBTC website may contain links to other websites that are not controlled and/or maintained by EBTC. Please be aware that these other websites may have different privacy policies which may subject you to different privacy practices. Please review the privacy policies of such other websites for information concerning what information is collected on such sites and how it is used.
Changes in Policy
Policy Subject to Change
From time to time, EBTC’s Privacy and Security Policy may change. EBTC will post changes to the Privacy and Security Policy at this site. Please review this Privacy and Security Policy often so that you will remain abreast of EBTC’s current policies, including its policies concerning the gathering and use of information that may be collected on our site.
Effective Date of Policy
This Privacy and Security Policy was last updated on June 1, 2022, and is effective immediately.
Governing Law
This Privacy and Security Policy shall be governed by the laws of the State of Iowa, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Any dispute concerning this Privacy and Security Policy or your use of this site shall be submitted to binding arbitration in the State of Iowa within one (1) year from the date that the cause of action arose (or, if multiple cause of actions are involved, from the date that the first cause of action arose), with such arbitration conducted pursuant to the then prevailing rules of the American Arbitration Association. To the fullest extent permitted by law, no arbitration brought pursuant hereto shall be joined to any other action or any other arbitration initiated pursuant hereto. If any portion of this Privacy and Security Policy is deemed unenforceable, unlawful, or void by a court of competent jurisdiction, then that portion of the Privacy and Security Policy will be deemed severable and will not affect the enforceability or validity of the remaining portions of this Privacy and Security Policy.